Through the practice of Devotion,

using the power of Plants and Fungi to heal

Porn Addiction


Sexual Disatisfaction

Dopamine Depletion

Hi, I’m RYVN

I’m here to be REAL, RADICAL, and RAW

I believe that our sexual energy holds the key to our ultimate power and potential

When this energy is suppressed, abused, and drained our life force is susceptible to physical, mental, and spiritual assaults

I work with the powers of plants and fungi to heal the body, free the mind, and awaken the spirit

It is my mission to serve as a Supportress along your journey to help you become sexually liberated and spiritually empowered

If you have tried to quit in the past and failed…

This is why!


Within a few minutes after orgasm I am cloudy-minded, light headed, disoriented, and anxious although the duration and intensity of the different symptoms has varied quite a bit over the years. Orgasm was not only the cause but also seemed to be the cure. I would have an orgasm when feeling affected. Sometimes I would do it twice if the first one didn’t work. But after a while, I found I needed to do it more and more often to relieve the symptoms. This was exhausting.

During the juice fast I had terrible withdrawal effects but with the help of Aluna I stayed with it and slowly everything began to change. At one point I feared I would never regain my drained sexual energy. I can’t believe where I am today. I literally feel like a completely different person and now, anything is possible! I could have never gotten here without Aluna’s help. I am forever grateful!
